"Exercise is Medicine"
When i was younger i had a different path i wanted to become a neurosurgeon but along the way i noticed i enjoy reading and applying fitness methods. I discovered a new passion where i can thrive and enhance myself and others with me to become their best version of themselves. I always try to find new techniques and educate myself through attending seminars and taking courses that give me better depth about the body and how it works, Iv been in this fitness journey 12 years now and its a never ending process to discover and unlock ways to keep your body at its best shape.
Certified Personal Trainer - American College of Sports Medicine [ACSM]
Certified Personal Trainer IQ Lifestyle UK Level 3
Corrective Exercise Specialist- National Academy of Sports Medicine [NASM]
Certified Strength and Conditioning specialist - National Strength and Conditioning Association [NSCA]
Certified Personal Trainer -International sport's science association
Certified Nutrition Specialist- International sport's science association
CrossFit Level 1 Trainer (CF-L1)
CrossFit Kids Trainer ("CFK")
-Postural Control and Movement
-Pre-Conditioning for any Fitness Competitions contingecy 
-Injuries Rehab
-Seniors Trainer 
-Olympic Weightlifting Coach
-Kids Trainer 
-Strength and Performance Coach 
-Precision Diet's for Fat loss, Muscle Gain
-Gymnastic Coach

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