


Hi my name ia Nonnie a sports/Gym head, Former provincial swimmer(SA). I believe that everything we do requires a strong and willing mind set, and that's were everything begins.

Been assisting clients in their health/fitness journey since 2013, in this game for a long run as it is not just fitness we are after but a lifeastyle.  I am always ready to take on new adventures/challenges , recreating exercises and leaving an impact in every client's life, building good relationships and never losing focus on our long term goals. The trick is to formulate haibits that are worth it. ''You achieve more when you move, so move with purpose''.



Weight loss/Gain and maintenanceMuscle buildingShape/Tone upPre & Post Natal NutritionistStrength and conditioningSports conditioning for athletes Basic boxing RehabilitationSport massage and PNF stretchingRunning BiometricsGroup exercise instructor Small group trainingSwimming stroke and form building.





Personal trainer level 5

Sports management

Pre & Post Natal coach

Sports conditioning

Group exercise instructor


Running Biomechanics


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