PHILOSOPHYDo something every day that makes you sweat! Let’s get fit!!
BIOGRAPHYFive years ago I was overweight, Anaemic, and with very low self-esteem. Today, I am thefittest I have ever been. I’ve managed to lose 29kgs of fat and turn my life by 180 degrees.Now, I find joy in using my own experience and qualifications to help people just like you. Iknow exactly how you feel. I don’t have to try to put myself in your shoes… I have walked inyour shoes and I can now help you turn your life around, too.I know where you are and I understand how it feels because I have been there, With all myexpertise am here to help you, lose weight, gain muscles, gain confidence and so on. Let’s getinto deep healthy and fitness together. Let me change your life for the better.
EXPERTISE Body building Weight lose Training Functional Training Core strength and posture training Conditioning & strength Training
QUALIFICATIONS Personal Trainer Level 3 Certified nutrition Adviser Certified in Strength & conditioning Certified in Functional Training Movements