

Tudo Bem? I’m Marcos and I’ve been a Personal Trainer since 2002. I am passionate about health and fitness and am a keen scuba diver with an Open Water Scuba Instructor PADI. I also have experience in Athletics, Ballroom Dancing, Karate, Swimming and Triathlons. My ethos is that I don’t just deliver personal training sessions, I teach my clients how to do the exercises correctly whilst achieving your goal safely. Being successful isn't about how much weight you lift but how you lift the weight. Never trust your health in the hands of a "2 months course personal trainer". Your health is priceless!



  • Injury Rehabilitation
  • Sports Specific – Athletics/Running, Cycling, Triathlon, Karate
  • Weight Loss
  • Strength and Conditioning



  • PhD in Neuropsychiatry and Behavior Sciences
  • Master’s Degree in Health Science
  • Post-graduation in Cardiac Rehabilitation and Exercise Prescription for Chronical Diseases
  • Bachelor in Physical Education
  • REPS Level 3 Personal Trainer
  • Precision Nutrition Level 1 



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