
"If you do what is easy in the short term, your life will get harder; if you do what is hard in the short term, your life will get easier. "


I am a  passionate and experienced Personal Trainer, working in London for over 12 years , and I specialise in helping the kind of person I once was; obese, unhealthy, low in confidence and self-esteem, depressed and insecure, and deeply unhappy with the way I looked and carried myself. 

I have been through the pain, I've been through the journey, I know what the challenges and abstacles are and I will share  with you how I overcame them. 

I can relate because I was once you!

Allow me to help you become a happier, healthier, stronger and more confident version of yourself. 

Check Out My Workouts:     Instagram: anissab_pgsfit


  • Weight Loss / Body Fat Reduction
  • Muscle Tone and Development
  • Strength and Conditioning
  • Nutrition for Weight Management
  • Lifestyle Coach
  • Fitness Lifestyle Assessment



  • REPs Registered Level 3 Personal Trainer
  • Level 4 NASM Nutrition Coach
  • Level 3 GP Exercise Referral
  • Precision Nutritin Level 1 Coach
  • Level 3 International First Aid / Use of AED / CPR
  • Level 2 Fitness Instructor ( P90X ,  MMA Conditioning, Zumba, Bootcamp, LBT)
  • Bachelor Degree in Business Management

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