I have seen fatness and fitness, both journeys were not easy but it was one of the most beautiful roads I have seen.
The journey started from point A (an unhealthy lifestyle) 115kg and the destination B is me here in UAE in front of you.
To achieve and goal is an emotion. I know and understand this very well as I was once there. Understanding my client goals and understanding the emotion is what makes me your best guide for your transformation journey.
In my own journey from unhealthy to now a personal trainer, I hope to inspire and help others active there’s.
- Fat loss
- Strength and Conditioning
- Nutrition
- Mobility & Rehab
- REPS Level 3 Personal Trainer
- Level 4 Personal Trainer - American Council on exercise (EReps)
- American council on exercise FITNESS NUTRITION SPECIALIST
- Rehab Certified
- The BioMechanics Method Corrective Exersise Specialist
- Cancer Exersise specialist
- Fitness Nutrition speacialist