My mantra is "Health and fitness are our first wealth."
I believe “Exercise is not just about losing weight or gaining muscles/weight. It is more about building functional and collective strength of your body because that makes you physically and mentally strong”
I aspire to help my clients create a healthy and fit lifestyle with customised fitness regimes to help them live sustainable and healthy life.
- Fat Loss & Muscle Gain
- Strength & Conditioning
- Nutrition & Supplementation
- Sports Injuries & Rehabilitation
- Exercise & Nutrition Programming in health condition - Diabetes, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, PCOD & Thyroids.
- Functional,Circuit & HIIT training
- REPS Level 3 Personal Trainer
- Certified Nutritionist
- Certified Special Population Personal Trainer
- Back Health Support Certification
- Certified in TRX Suspension Training